1) WHO MAY apply?
An owner, individual or business who has an insurable interest the property.
2) HOW TO apply?
Submit completed and signed Homeowner form or Dwelling/Commercial Application form, with applicable supplemental forms that may be required. The forms found on this website are available to download and print locally or may be requested by phone or email at .
A homeowners application must be submitted with a signed copy of the Statement of Additional Optional Coverages Not Included in the Standard Homeowner's Insurance Policy. A copy of the cancellation or Non-renewal notice from your present carrier must also be submitted to the Association with a picture of the front and back of the property.
Dwelling or Commercial property applications that are being submitted as VACANT require the completion of a Vacancy Questionnaire and submitted with applicable agreement or contract. Vandalism is not offered on vacant property.
Dwelling or Commercial applications being submitted other than in the name of an Individuals name also require a completed Corporate Questionnaire.
3) WHERE TO apply?
The completed application can be submitted by mail, email, or fax, and upon receipt by the Association, the application will be reviewed. Applications that are incomplete will be returned for proper completion. If you are going to mail the application, please make a copy of the completed application for your records before sending it to the Association.
NOTE: If applying for Homeowners Insurance, be sure to complete both pages of the application, sign the application and return it with the signed copy of the Statement of Additional Optional Coverages Not Included in the Standard Homeowner's Insurance Policy form. A copy of the cancellation or Non-renewal notice from your present carrier must also accompany the application.
JIA Annual Summary of Homeowner’s Coverages And Exclusions:
mdjia dwelling/commercial application
VACANT -means building houses no furniture or equipment
UNOCCUPIED -means building houses furniture, fixtures or equipment but no one lives or works in it.
If vacancy or unoccupancy is the result of an estate problem, question #3 of the form must be answered in detail.
If the building is in the course of reconstruction or renovation, a copy of the contract(s) must be submitted with the application or with this form.If the applicant is performing the work, a signed letter from the applicant indicating (1) the general scope of the work to be performed, (2) the approximate cost of the work.
If the building is being actively marketed for rental or sale, a copy of the listing agreement for the property must be provided.
No properties that are vacant/unoccupied for an extended period of time shall be written.
No vacant/unoccupied property will be approved for coverage until an inspection is made and an Approval Notice is issued by the Joint Insurance Association.
For use with Dwelling Fire Policies only.
Applies to Dwelling, Commercial and Homeowners Coverage.
When a storm is in the area.