Homeowner, Dwelling & Commercial Property Insurance For Properties Within Maryland


Information & Registration

Welcome to the Joint Insurance Association Producer's section.
This section is only available to Producers.

mdjia general information

The Maryland Joint Insurance Association (MDJIA) originally was formed in response to the requirements of the federal legislation called "Fair Access to Insurance Requirements".  It is composed of all licensed property insurance carriers in the State of Maryland. Although the federal legislation is no longer in effect, Maryland statutes provide the basis for the continuing operations of the JIA.  However, the JIA is not a state agency nor do any of its operating funds come from the state or any form of taxation; financial resources come from earnings generated from the sale of insurance polices and ultimately the financial resources of the member carriers.


The Joint Insurance Association does not have a rating by any financial rating organization, such as A.M. Best Company, due to our being a F.A.I.R. Plan. The law requires that all insurers licensed to write property insurance in the State of Maryland become a member of the Association.


Premium Payments: The MDJIA only will accept Gross Premium Payments.
Increase in Coverage: Increases in coverage requests will not require pre-payment as long as there is sufficient premium equity for the change. The MDJIA reserves the right not to process any increase in coverage without proper support and sufficient premium equity. An additional premium change notice will be issued for the increase when the change is processed. If payment is not received, the policy will be cancelled for non-payment on the equity date. 
Return Premiums: The MDJIA will return premiums on a net basis. The Producer will continue to be responsible for returning the unearned commission to the customer, resulting in the customer receiving the proper gross premium return.
Commission Payments: The MDJIA will issue commission payments, commission statements and commission checks monthly.